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Aprende Los Causativos en Inglés – parte 2

Causatives(part two)

In English, causative verbs are used to indicate that one person or thing causes another person or thing to do something. There are two main ways to express causation in English: by using causative verbs or by using causative constructions.

Causative verbs:

  1. Causative verbs are verbs that indicate that the subject is causing someone or something else to do something. The most common causative verbs in English are:

  • make: e.g. "I made him clean his room."

  • have: e.g. "I had him finish early."

  • have: e.g. "I had the mechanic fix my car."

  • get: e.g. "I got him to help me with my homework."

Causative constructions:

  1. Causative constructions involve using a verb in combination with another verb or preposition to express causation. The most common causative constructions in English are:

  • have + object + past participle: e.g. "I had my car fixed."

  • get + object + infinitive: e.g. "I got him to help me."

  • make + object + base form of verb: e.g. "I made him clean his room."

Note that causative verbs and constructions are often used in the passive voice to indicate that something was caused to happen by someone or something else.


  • "I had my hair cut."

  • "He got his car fixed."

  • "She had him do the dishes."

  • "They had him take them to the party."

  • She had him study harder so he could pass the exam.

  • She had her car checked before going on a road trip.

  • The teacher had us leave early.

  • He got his friend to lend him some money.

  • She had him apologize for being rude to his sister.

  • We had the house painted last summer.

  • The company got a new logo designed by a professional.

  • He had him clean up his room before going outside to play.

  • They had me talk to the principal.

  • I had my computer repaired because it wasn't working properly.

Los Causativos(parte dos)

En inglés, los verbos causativos se utilizan para indicar que una persona o cosa hace que otra persona o cosa haga algo. Hay dos formas principales de expresar la causalidad en inglés: mediante verbos causativos o mediante construcciones causativas.

Verbos causativos:

Los verbos causativos son verbos que indican que el sujeto está causando que alguien o algo haga algo. Los verbos causativos más comunes en inglés son:

make: p. ej. "Yo hice que el limpiara su cuarto".

have: p. ej. "Yo hice que el terminara temprano".

have: p. ej. "Hice que el mecánico me arreglara el coche".

get: p. ej. "Conseguí que me ayudara con los deberes".

Construcciones causales:

Las construcciones causales implican el uso de un verbo en combinación con otro verbo o preposición para expresar causalidad. Las construcciones causales más comunes en inglés son:

have + objeto + participio pasado: e.g. "I had my car fixed".

get + objeto + infinitivo: p. ej. "I got him to help me".

make + objeto + forma base del verbo: p. ej. "I made him clean his room".

Ten en cuenta que los verbos y las construcciones causales se usan a menudo en voz pasiva para indicar que algo ha sido causado por otra persona u otra cosa.


"Me corté el pelo".

"Le arreglaron el coche".

"Ella le hizo lavar los platos".

"Hicieron que los llevara a la fiesta".

Le hizo estudiar más para aprobar el examen.

Hizo que le revisaran el coche antes de irse de viaje por carretera.

El profesor nos hizo salir antes.

Hizo que su amigo le prestara dinero.

Le hizo pedir disculpas por haber sido grosero con su hermana.

Pintamos la casa el verano pasado.

Un profesional diseñó un nuevo logotipo para la empresa.

Le hizo limpiar su habitación antes de salir a jugar.

Me hicieron hablar con el director.

Mandé reparar mi ordenador porque no funcionaba bien.