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Oraciones en una oficina con going to – Gonna

5 Affirmative (+)

  1. I’m going to explain our quarterly results with a detailed chart. 📊
    Voy a explicar nuestros resultados trimestrales con un gráfico detallado.

  2. She’s gonna present the new marketing strategy to the team. 💼
    Ella va a presentar la nueva estrategia de marketing al equipo.

  3. We’re going to answer all the client’s questions after the presentation. 🗣️
    Vamos a responder todas las preguntas del cliente después de la presentación.

  4. He’s going to show the financial projections for the next quarter. 📈
    Él va a mostrar las proyecciones financieras para el próximo trimestre.

  5. They’re gonna suggest some innovative solutions for the problem. 💡
    Ellos van a sugerir algunas soluciones innovadoras para el problema.

5 Negative (-)

  1. I’m not gonna skip any key points in the presentation. ❌
    No voy a omitir ningún punto clave en la presentación.

  2. She’s not going to rush through her slides this time. ⏩
    Ella no va a apresurarse con sus diapositivas esta vez.

  3. We’re not gonna let technical difficulties ruin the meeting. 💻❌
    No vamos a dejar que las dificultades técnicas arruinen la reunión.

  4. He’s not going to avoid addressing the client’s main concerns. ❌🗣️
    Él no va a evitar abordar las principales preocupaciones del cliente.

  5. They’re not gonna bring up irrelevant topics during the discussion. 🛑
    Ellos no van a mencionar temas irrelevantes durante la discusión.

5 Questions (?)

  1. Are you going to include the recent data in your presentation? 📊❓
    ¿Vas a incluir los datos recientes en tu presentación?

  2. Is she gonna handle the Q&A session after her speech? 🗨️❓
    ¿Ella va a encargarse de la sesión de preguntas y respuestas después de su discurso?

  3. Are we going to share the presentation slides with the attendees? 💼❓
    ¿Vamos a compartir las diapositivas de la presentación con los asistentes?

  4. Is he going to bring copies of the report for everyone? 📑❓
    ¿Él va a traer copias del informe para todos?

  5. Are they gonna provide feedback after the presentation? 📝❓
    ¿Ellos van a proporcionar retroalimentación después de la presentación?

5 Negative Questions (-?)

  1. Aren’t you going to practice your speech before the meeting? 🗣️❓
    ¿No vas a practicar tu discurso antes de la reunión?

  2. Isn’t she gonna focus on the key metrics in her section? 📈❓
    ¿No va a enfocarse ella en las métricas clave en su sección?

  3. Aren’t we going to use visuals to make the presentation more engaging? 🎨❓
    ¿No vamos a usar elementos visuales para hacer la presentación más atractiva?

  4. Isn’t he going to mention the challenges we faced last quarter? ⚠️❓
    ¿No va a mencionar él los desafíos que enfrentamos el trimestre pasado?

  5. Aren’t they gonna thank the team for their hard work during the project? 🙌❓
    ¿No van a agradecer ellos al equipo por su arduo trabajo durante el proyecto?

It was supposed to be the presentation of the year. You know, the one that makes you look like a genius to the entire office. I was gonna impress the boss, charm the clients, and maybe even earn a round of applause. But of course, the universe had other plans.

Act 1: The Forgotten Clicker
As I strutted into the conference room, it hit me: I’m not gonna be able to advance my slides without the clicker. No problem, right? I’m going to borrow one from IT, I thought. Except IT was “on a break,” and now I was left with the low-tech solution: using my laptop like it was 2005. This is fine, I told myself, though the sweat on my forehead said otherwise.

Act 2: The Coffee Spill
Halfway through my setup, Sheila—yes, the Sheila who’s always gonna bring chaos—spilled her coffee on my notes. We’re not gonna survive this meeting, my inner voice screamed. But I smiled, waved it off, and used the now-brown-stained notes anyway. Sheila should have brought her coffee in a spill-proof cup.

Act 3: The Missing Data
I was about to begin when my boss leaned over and whispered, “Are you gonna include the Q2 metrics?” Cue the horror music. I should have double-checked the slides before the meeting! Panicking, I quickly made a note to improvise while pretending I wasn’t seconds from a meltdown.

Act 4: The Improvisation Genius
Despite the chaos, I began the presentation. I’m going to focus on the key metrics we do have, I told myself. And somehow, the clients loved it! They’re going to think I’m brilliant, I thought as I rattled off numbers that sounded credible enough. I even cracked a joke about Sheila’s coffee spill, earning a chuckle from the room. Victory? Kind of.

Act 5: The Aftermath
As the meeting ended, I realized something important: presentations are like life—nothing ever goes perfectly, but if you’re quick on your feet, you’ll survive. I’m gonna bring a backup clicker next time. And maybe, just maybe, Sheila’s going to switch to tea.

The Final Lesson
Always prepare. Always double-check your slides. And, for the love of office sanity, never sit near Sheila during an important meeting. Because sometimes, surviving the presentation is the real win. 😊